Health plans are leveraging telemedicine to:
Since 2011, TeleMed2U has provided thousands of telemedicine consultations in more than 20 medical specialties including Dermatology, Endocrinology, Infectious Diseases, Neurology, Rheumatology, and Psychiatry. Our transformative approach to chronic disease management, designed using cutting-edge technology, will increase access to quality healthcare specialists in all clinical settings.
Clinical research continues to reinforce the correlation between improved chronic disease management and access to medical specialists. TeleMed2U offers scaled and effective telemedicine solutions that increase access to specialty care that improves patient outcomes. Embedded in TeleMed2U’s chronic disease management program is a continuity of care model. It ensures that patients receive the best care possible, including seamless communication with primary care providers. A patient is assigned a dedicated specialist who works with the patient throughout the lifecycle of the program. This is especially important to foster familiarity and trust.
TeleMed2U has a large network of medical specialists. They will work directly with health plans and its members to enrich and improve:
Our customizable, direct, or indirect-to-member services include virtual consultations for:
TeleMed2U is a proud partner with multiple health plans, serving as a preferred in-network telemedicine provider of specialty care. Our team works with health plans to develop a virtual care solution and strategy that addresses the unique healthcare needs of the plan’s members. We provide culturally sensitive care that exceeds healthcare standards and can improve outcomes. Our telemedicine solutions can decrease wait time to see a specialist, which reduces hospital admissions, and ultimately decreases overall healthcare costs for our partners.
Contact us to discover how TeleMed2U can add value to your organization,
or call us at (855) 446-8628